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Before a planned pregnancy, control and treatment of oral and dental health should play an important role.
Before a planned pregnancy, control and treatment of oral and dental health should play an important role.
For problems encountered during pregnancy, support should be obtained from an experienced physician, and if treatment is necessary, it should be preferred especially in the second period between 3-6 months.
Prevention of oral and dental disorders that occur as a result of changes in the body during pregnancy is possible with the correct communication and coordination between patient and physician before and during pregnancy.
The sudden increase in hormone levels during pregnancy increases the tendency for gingivitis. If the plaque accumulated on the teeth and gums is not cleaned sufficiently, gingivitis (swelling, bleeding, redness of the gums) and pregnancy tumor on the gums can easily develop.
Pregnant women with severe gum disease who have not been treated before pregnancy are at risk of premature birth or having a low birth weight baby. For this reason, it is important to have a good oral hygiene routine before pregnancy and to have gum treatments.
Vomiting, which occurs especially in the early stages of pregnancy, can create an acidic environment in the mouth and cause tooth erosion, sensitivity and decays.
Brushing the teeth just after vomiting may increase the erosions on the tooth surface. Therefore, after vomiting, the mouth should be rinsed with plenty of water and the teeth should be brushed after at least half an hour.
It should not be forgotten that the stress caused by living with infected teeth and advanced pain can often pose a higher risk to the baby than the risk of the treatment itself.
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The information contained in the site content is for providing support. It is not a substitute for the fact that the doctor examines his patient for medical purposes, diagnoses and diagnoses.
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Die im Inhalt der Website enthaltenen Informationen dienen der Bereitstellung von Support. Sie ersetzt nicht die Tatsache, dass der Arzt seinen Patienten zu medizinischen Zwecken, Diagnosen und Diagnosen untersucht.
Adresse: Barbaros Mahallesi Dereboyu Caddesi Ardıç Sokak Varyap Meridian Sitesi G2 Blok D.21 Ataşehir / İstanbul
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