Oral Cancers - Medicadent | Biological and Holistic Dentistry | Since 1988

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Oral cancers are cancers seen both in the oral cavity and in the area we call the oropharynx, located at the back of the mouth. These cancers can be located in the tongue, teeth, gums, bones, behind the throat and tongue, which we call the oropharynx, as well as in the lips.

Which is the most common mouth cancer?

The majority of oral cancers occur over the age of 45 and the probability of occurrence in men is 2 times higher than in women.

Which are the symptoms of Oral Cancers?

At times they can be asymptomatic or they can manifest symptoms that do not reduce the quality of life. In advanced stages, the patient can notice the cancer presence in his mouth.

Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms below.

  • Pain or indescribable pain in the mouth
  • White or red areas on the gums, tongue, inside or around the mouth
  • Sensitive, irritated, raised or thickened areas in the mouth that can be felt with the tongue.
  • Recurrent bleeding and non-healing wounds in the mouth or throat
  • Hoarseness in the voice or sensation of an object in the throat that cannot be swallowed
  • Chewing and swallowing difficulties
  • Difficulty in tongue and jaw movements
  • Loss of sensitivity, numbness in the tongue or other parts of the mouth
  • Swelling in the lower or upper jaw and the resulting deterioration of the existing prosthesis fit
  • When persistent white spots (leukoplakia) or red spots (erythroplakia) appear in the mouth, they should be brought to the attention of physicians or dentists, as these can be confirmed as precursor cancer conditions (conditions that are likely to occur after cancer).


Although early diagnosis is very important in the treatment of this disease, it can be diagnosed during regular physician controls.

M.Sc.Dt. Zafer KAZAK’ın

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