No Prep Veneers - Medicadent | Biological and Holistic Dentistry | Since 1988

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No-Prep (Prepless) Veneer

No-Prep Veneer is a laminate veneer (leaf porcelain) application that is made directly by measuring, without any abrasion, without damaging the originality of the teeth. The difference from conventional laminate veneers is that it is applied without any preparations such as roughening or abrasion on the tooth surface. In this way, it can be removed at any time and allows you to use your own teeth in their original form.

It is a very successful method in terms of getting quick and aesthetic results in dental problems such as unprocessed veneers, color problem, material loss and tooth gap problem. They are adhered to the teeth one by one with a special bonding technique and since they are supported by natural teeth, their durability is not less than the original tooth. Even if there is decay from the inside of the tooth, the veneers are not damaged. It is not easily discolored due to its material feature, but it can reflect the color change that may present the tooth because it is very fine. No-prep veneers can be used comfortably for long periods of time. As with any dental restoration, good care and regular control prolongs the usage period.

What are the Advantages of No-Prep Veneer Treatment?

– No Anxiety: The originality of your teeth will not deteriorate, and when desired you can return your teeth to their former state as if it had never been removed.

– No Pain: Since there is no shaving, it is completed in a short time without anesthesia.

No-Prep Veneer Treatment Process:

When Can Laminate Veneers & No-Prep Veneers Be Applied?


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